Jewish Population Rises to 15.7 Million Worldwide | The Jewish AgencyJewish Population Rises to 15.7 Million Worldwide in 2023
How many Jews are there in the world? Picture: Chairman Almog with new olim

Jewish Population Rises to 15.7 Million Worldwide in 2023


Jewish Population Rises to 15.7 Million Worldwide in 2023

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, Jewish population rises to 15.7 million worldwide, with over 7.2 million residing in Israel


Jewish Population Rises to 15.7 Million Worldwide in 2023

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, Jewish population rises to 15.7 million worldwide, with over 7.2 million residing in Israel

Jerusalem, September 15, 2023 — On the eve of the Jewish new year, the number of Jews worldwide stands at approximately 15.7 million compared to 15.6 million in the previous year, according to newly released statistics from The Jewish Agency for Israel.

Among the global Jewish population, the number of Jews in Israel is 7,200,000, an increase from 7,080,00 last year. Meanwhile, about 8.5 million live outside Israel, with approximately 6.3 million of them living in the United States. These figures come from renowned Jewish demographic expert Professor Sergio DellaPergola of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and will be published in the American Jewish Year Book 2023. The figure for the U.S. was revised after in-depth study of the data from the last Pew Research Center survey.

Adjustments were made to last year’s estimates that are in line with newly released data, including the results of national censuses in several countries with significant Jewish populations. For example, the estimates for Russia and Ukraine were revised according to the significant migration that followed the hostilities in the region.

The Jewish population numbers refer to persons who define themselves as Jews by religion or otherwise and who do not identify with another religion. The total number of Jews and persons who would potentially be eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return from around the world rose to 25.5 million people, of which 7.7 million are in Israel and 18 million live outside Israel. There are currently over 500,000 Israelis who became citizens under the Law of Return but are not registered as Jews with Israel’s Population Authority.

The proportion of Jews living in Israel stands at 46%, an increase of one-half percent over the previous year’s adjusted data.

The following are updated Jewish population figures from countries with a significant Jewish population as of January 2023. These figures reflect the core Jewish community and not those eligible for Aliyah under the Law of Return:

  • France: 440,000
  • Canada: 398,000
  • United Kingdom: 312,000
  • Argentina: 171,000
  • Russia: 132,000
  • Australia: 117,200
  • Germany: 125,000
  • Brazil: 90,000
  • South Africa: 50,000
  • Hungary: 46,000
  • Ukraine: 33,000
  • Mexico: 40,000
  • The Netherlands: 29,700
  • Belgium: 29,000
  • Italy: 26,900
  • Switzerland: 20,500
  • Uruguay: 16,200
  • Chile: 15,700
  • Sweden: 14,900
  • Turkey: 14,200
  • Spain: 13,000
  • Austria: 10,300
  • Panama: 10,000

New immigrants to Israel. World Jewish population has increased significantly

Another 80 countries have Jewish populations of more than 100 but less than 10,000. About 27,000 Jews live in Arab and Muslim countries, of which 14,200 live in Turkey, 9,100 in Iran, 2,100 in Morocco, 1,000 in Tunisia, and 500 in the Emirates

Chairman of The Jewish Agency Maj. Gen. (res.) Doron Almog said: “The Jewish people gather at holiday tables around the world that may be geographically distant from one another, but the partnership and the deep connection between us bridge the distance. Our great challenge at this time is to connect all parts of the Jewish people, to bring our hearts closer together. My wish for the Jewish people around the world and the citizens of Israel is for a year of unity and of healing the rifts that will ensure the continued prosperity and security of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. The Jewish Agency will continue to work together with its partners at the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Federations and Keren Hayesod for the common future of the entire Jewish people, to fulfill its role as a unifying organization that works to continue Aliyah, strengthen the relationship between Israel and the Jewish communities, and strengthen Israeli society.”

Media Contact:
Noa Amouyal, J Cubed Communications

About The Jewish Agency for Israel:

Since 1929, The Jewish Agency for Israel has been working to secure a vibrant Jewish future. It was instrumental in founding and building the State of Israel and continues to serve as the main link between the Jewish state and Jewish communities everywhere. This global partnership has enabled it to address the Jewish People’s greatest challenges in every generation. Today, the Jewish Agency connects the global Jewish family, bringing Jews to Israel, and Israel to Jews, by providing meaningful Israel engagement and facilitating Aliyah. It also strives to build a better society in Israel – and beyond – energizing young Israelis and their worldwide peers to rediscover a collective sense of Jewish purpose. The Jewish Agency continues to be the Jewish world’s first responder, prepared to address emergencies in Israel, and to rescue Jews from countries where they are at risk.