Jewish Peoplehood in Local Israeli Municipalities | The Jewish Agency - U.S.Jewish Peoplehood in Local Israeli Municipalities

Jewish Peoplehood in Local Israeli Municipalities

Increasing Israelis’ connection to our global Jewish family

Jewish Peoplehood in Local Municipalities is a new program that successfully completed its pilot in Hod Hasharon in 2022, and will expand to two more local authorities in 2023 in cooperation with the Center for Local Government in Israel.

The program’s objectives are to increase Israelis’ connection to the global Jewish family; increase their knowledge of global Jewry; create respectful, pluralistic discourse; increase awareness of the Jewish streams and identities in the municipality and the Jewish people generally; build connections between diverse populations within the municipality.

The process includes the establishment of a municipal steering committee under the authority of the mayor. We first identify the municipality’s assets and resources, including Jewish Agency assets that can be devoted to the process. The committee then undergoes training to familiarize them with the field of Peoplehood and create work plans. Finally, the municipality implements the work plan, in coordination with The Jewish Agency.