Fund For Victims Of Terror | The Jewish Agency - U.S.Fund For Victims Of Terror

Fund for Victims of Terror

Bringing Comfort to Lives in Upheaval

The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Fund for Victims of Terror is emergency aid for those in dire need. To help survivors in the wake of tragedy, we can provide financial assistance in as quickly as 48 hours. We also provide ongoing care to get individuals and families on the road to recovery.

When tragedy strikes and the future looks uncertain, the emotional toll is unimaginable. The Fund for Victims of Terror seeks to lighten that load in the wake of a crisis by offering financial aid to individuals and families in dire circumstances. Within 48 hours of an event, a representative visits victims and provides emergency aid of more than $1,000.

Additionally, through grants and ongoing services totaling up to $6,300, this essential fund covers the months to come. We help survivors receive the care they need—psychological counseling, job retraining, and more—to recover from trauma and rebuild their lives.

Fund for Victims of Terror Providing Support Amid War

With so many Israelis killed and injured during the October 7 attacks and ensuing war, and countless homes and buildings damaged throughout Israeli communities near Gaza, The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror has kicked into high gear, operating on a wider scale than ever before.

In the wake of October 7 through the first half of 2024, we have distributed over 8,870 grants through the FVOT to 8,400+ households and continue to deliver more critical support as the war remains ongoing.