Jewish Agency Companies | The Jewish Agency - U.S.Companies

Companies Authority

From securing affordable housing for Israel’s most vulnerable elderly citizens to mentoring at-risk youth, our partner companies serve the varied and deep needs of the Jewish people at home and abroad. We work with these companies to manifest the mission of The Jewish Agency—to create a new generation of strong leaders, build a thriving economy in Israel, and provide meaningful opportunities for the global Jewish family to connect and engage. This cooperative working relationship, in essence, is the spirit of The Jewish Agency. We’re proud to say our subsidiary companies have become a substantial socio-economic force in Israel and beyond.

Our Companies

Mission Companies

Ben Yakir Youth Village
Daroma Tzafona Tikun Olam
Israel Experience
Israel Tech Challenge
Jewish People Policy Institute
Nativ – The National Center for Jewish Studies, Identity and Conversion
Ofek Israeli
Ramat Hadassah Szold Youth Village
Yearim Youth Village
Youth Futures


Commercial and Service Companies

Amigour 2000
Company for the Financing of the Jewish Agency’s Public Housing Project
Israel Economic Development Company
Pension Fund of the Employees of the Jewish Agency for Israel
Real Estate Participations
The Spirit of Israel


Colleges (IEF)

Kinneret College of Technology
Gertrude and Morris Rodman Education Center in Tel Hai
Kaye College of Education



Hadassah Neurim Youth Village
The Pincus Fund


Israel Education Fund Companies

The Israel Education Fund Companies (IEF) of the Jewish Agency/UIA/UIA Canada/Kern Hayesod were a central part in the establishment of about 1,500 capital projects which are located all over the country and include community and public centers, libraries, kindergarten facilities, schools, regional colleges, Teacher training colleges, sports facilities and halls. Most of the IEF companies are community or educational and cultural centers under the umbrella of the Israel Association of Community Centers.

Companies with Minority Holdings

Daroma Tzafona Idan Ha’atid
The Israel Museum
The National Project for the Ethiopian Community in Israel
The SHAHAF Foundation
ANU – Museum of the Jewish People