2022 Impact – Ulpan Etzion | The Jewish Agency - U.S.


Helping new immigrants in their integration into Israeli society by providing intensive, immersive Hebrew language instruction


Helping new immigrants in their integration into Israeli society by providing intensive, immersive Hebrew language instruction

The Jewish Agency’s Ulpan Etzion is Israel’s flagship intensive Hebrew-learning program for young adult olim (immigrants) ages 22–35. The five-month-long experience provides a solid foundation for those who want to develop their language skills in Israel, and also gives these young adults the opportunity to meet other Jews from abroad who are newcomers to Israel too.


Maxim, a Russian immigrant, taking a selfie on a scenic overlook in Israel

Maxim taking a selfie in Israel | Photo provided by Maxim

Maxim, 33, made Aliyah from Moscow, Russia, in May 2022 and enrolled at Ulpan Etzion in Haifa. While he immediately began to learn a lot inside the classroom, he also found that trips to Kibbutzim and other organized activities were very interesting and helpful for a better understanding of Israel’s history and Jewish culture, making for an overall valuable experience.


“Ulpan Etzion offers housing and full support to olim, helping us deal with everything from daily challenges to getting our documents in order, all with the opportunity to meet new friends in our new country and level up our Hebrew skills tremendously,” said Maxim. “I’m very, very happy to be here and grateful to the Ulpan staff and teachers, and The Jewish Agency for their support. I feel incredibly optimistic about my future in Israel.”

In 2022, 879 new olim from 48 countries participated in The Jewish Agency’s Ulpan Etzion programs throughout Israel.

Micaela in Israel

Micaela in Israel | Photo provided by Micaela


Micaela, 26, who made Aliyah from Costa Rica on May 11, 2022, a date she considers her “second birthday” now, was also enrolled at the Haifa location of Ulpan Etzion, and her experience there was even better than she imagined.


“There are so many amazing things about the Ulpan; it has helped me improve my Hebrew level to a point where I feel comfortable having conversations in Hebrew. But beyond that, I made friends that I know will be there for the rest of my life, friends who have the same struggles as I do and who are also figuring out their place in Israeli society,” shared Micaela. “I honestly believe Ulpan gives olim a smoother landing to Israel and the tools needed to feel confident in their new home.”

More in Aliyah


doron almog with new olim

Doron Almog with his wife, Didi, at Ulpan Etzion | Photo credit: Maxim Dinstein for The Jewish Agency for Israel


Melinda, 34, who made Aliyah from Switzerland in 2022, chose to attend Ulpan Etzion at Kibbutz Tzuba near Jerusalem, which is open to new immigrants and Masa Israel Journey participants. It combines The Jewish Agency’s premier Ulpan Etzion experience with the Kibbutz lifestyle unique to Israel. Her five months there flew by, which she credits to her excellent teachers and the engaging learning methods they used.


“I’ve improved my Hebrew significantly and been given the opportunity to connect to life in Israel in a deeper way,” shared Melinda. “Everyone involved in making this program a success—Masa, Kibbutz Tzuba and The Jewish Agency—has been truly wonderful and supportive.”


Other Ulpan Etzion campuses located in Jerusalem, Raanana, Ramle, and Be’er Sheva also offer young, ambitious olim who are college graduates a stepping stone to settling into Israeli society, setting these new immigrants from all over the world on a path to success.